Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby that has been gaining popularity in recent years. A critical aspect of beekeeping is hive management, which includes splitting hives to manage bee populations and prevent overcrowding. Splitting a beehive is also an effective method of creating a new colony. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to split a beehive with a new queen.

Splitting a beehive is the process of dividing a healthy hive into two separate colonies, each with its own queen. This process is necessary to prevent overcrowding, which can lead to a decrease in honey production and the risk of swarming. Splitting a hive can also be an effective method of creating a new colony, which can be used to replace a weak or diseased colony or to expand your beekeeping operation.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of splitting a beehive with a new queen. We will cover everything from preparing to split the hive to caring for the new colony and combining hives, if necessary.
Preparing for the Split

Before splitting a beehive, there are several things you need to consider. First and foremost, you need to choose the right time to split the hive. The ideal time to split a hive is in the spring, just before the honey flow season. This is when the bees are most active, and the colony is expanding.
Secondly, you need to select the right hive to split. Choose a hive that is strong and healthy, with a large population of bees. A weak or diseased hive should not be split, as this will only weaken the colony further.
Finally, you need to prepare the new queen. The new queen can be purchased from a reputable bee supplier or raised from a queen cell. If you choose to raise your queen, make sure to start the process at least three weeks before you plan to split the hive. This will give the new queen enough time to mature and be ready to take over the new colony.
How to Split the Beehive
Now that you have prepared for the split, it’s time to move on to the actual process of splitting the beehive. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Removing the Old Queen
The first step is to remove the old queen from the hive. This can be done by carefully locating the queen and moving her to another hive or removing her altogether. Removing the old queen is essential to prevent the two colonies from fighting over the queen.
Moving Frames to the New Hive
Next, you need to move frames from the old hive to the new hive. Make sure to move enough frames to ensure that the new colony has enough resources to thrive. The ideal number of frames to move is five to six frames, with brood and honey stores.
Introducing the New Queen
Once the frames are in place, it’s time to introduce the new queen. Make sure to use a queen cage to introduce the new queen. This will allow the bees to get used to the new queen’s pheromones slowly. Once the bees have accepted the new queen, release her from the cage.
Feeding the New Hive
Finally, you need to feed the new hive. The new colony will need a lot of resources to establish a new colony. Make sure to feed the new colony with sugar syrup or fondant until they have established enough resources to feed themselves.
Caring for the New Hive
Caring for the new hive is crucial to ensure the survival of the new colony. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Monitoring the New Hive
The new hive needs to be monitored regularly to ensure that the colony is thriving. You should check the hive every week to ensure that the bees have enough resources and to check for any signs of disease or pests.
Feeding the New Hive
As mentioned earlier, the new colony will need a lot of resources to establish a new colony. Make sure to continue feeding the new colony until they have established enough resources to feed themselves.
Checking for Queen Acceptance
Finally, you need to check if the bees have accepted the new queen. You can check this by looking for eggs and brood in the hive. If you see eggs and brood, this is a sign that the bees have accepted the new queen. If not, you may need to introduce a new queen or combine the hives.
By following these steps, you can successfully split a beehive with a new queen and establish a thriving new colony. Remember to monitor the hive regularly and provide the new colony with everything they need to thrive. With patience and care, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, thriving hive.
Combining the Hives
Sometimes, it may be necessary to combine hives, especially if one of the colonies is weak or diseased. Combining hives is a delicate process that requires careful planning and execution.
The ideal time to combine hives is in the fall, just before the winter season. This is when the bees are less active, and the colony is contracting. To combine hives, you need to remove the queen from the weaker colony and place the frames containing the bees and brood into the stronger colony. Make sure to remove any excess honey and pollen from the frames to prevent robbing.
Place a newspaper layer between the two colonies before placing the frames from the weaker colony into the stronger one. This will allow the bees to become familiar with each other’s scent before merging into a single colony. Make sure to monitor the hive closely after combining to ensure that the bees are accepting the new queen and colony.
In conclusion, splitting a beehive with a new queen is an essential aspect of beekeeping that requires careful planning and execution. Splitting your hives can prevent overcrowding and the risk of swarming, and it can also be an effective method of creating a new colony. A healthy, thriving hive is essential for successful beekeeping, and splitting your hives is an effective way to ensure that your colonies remain healthy and productive.
At, we hope that this comprehensive guide has been helpful in guiding you through the process of splitting a beehive with a new queen. By following these steps and best practices, you can ensure that your hives remain strong and healthy, and your beekeeping operation continues to thrive.