Varroa mites are pests that adhere to honey bees and cause huge colony losses. Taktic bee medication for Varroa mites is designed to assist beekeepers in controlling mites in their hives. Taktic is classed as an agrochemical biological pesticide and insecticide. Today, we will go over how to utilize taktic for bees to get rid of mites.
The impact of Varroa mites on honey bees
Honey bee colony mites deposit eggs in brood chambers where queen bees have previously produced eggs. Varroa mites prey on honey bee larvae and food is stored in the cells of bee larvae after they hatch from the egg. As a result, adult honey bees emerge feeble or with abnormalities. Uncontrolled mite infections cause colony collapse and hive absconding.
Taktic bee treatment is effective
Amitraz, which is found in Taktic bee treatment, works on the octopamine receptors in Varroa mites. It causes extreme stress and eventually death. It affects the neurological system of the mites, preventing them from clinging to bees. Taktic is available in the form of a canned liquid or in strips. Others may sell Taktic as a powder. Taktic bee treatment cans can be powdered or liquid.
Taktic bee treatment can be combined with other acaricides. Formic acid is one of them, and it can be successfully paired with Amitraz with no loss of efficiency. The inclusion of various miticides in your honey bee colony pest management strategy aids in the prevention of Taktic bee treatment resistance. If you notice resistance to Taktic, switch to another therapy to which the mites are not resistant right away.
>>> Read more: How To Use Homemade Varroa Mite Treatment
The benefits and drawbacks of Taktic bee treatment
- Taktic is effective against mites where resistance to Varroa mites has not evolved. Mites are quickly removed from your apiary if the miticide is used correctly. It kills mites for an extended length of time, keeping your beehives free of Varroa mites.
- Taktic is simple to handle and store when not in use. When stored in its original packaging in a cool environment, it has a long shelf life. Amitraz has a shelf life of up to two years when stored properly.
- Taktic’s active component, Amitraz, is volatile. It clears from the hive after some time. This ultimately removes all residues from honey and beeswax. Taktic is therefore quite safe for use in agriculture.
- Taktic has the potential to cause harm to beekeepers and their families.
- When using Taktic, you must remove the honey supers from the beehive. If this treatment is performed during the honey flow season, honey production will be reduced.
- Adult bees die at an exceptionally high rate after being treated with Taktic for Varroa mites, according to beekeepers.
Taktic bee treatment for Varroa Mites: How to use it?
Taktic powder is packaged in a plastic or metal container. Beekeepers that use Taktic in powder form must dust afflicted beehives with the powder. Taktic powder should be liberally applied to entrances and brood frames. It is important not to use too much powder on bees.
- In its liquid form
Taktic may be purchased in liquid form by some beekeepers. This necessitates diluting and spraying on your beehives. Taktic in liquid form necessitates the use of additional equipment, typically a hand sprayer or backpack sprayer. An aerosolizing smoker can also be used to apply liquid Taktic.
- In its strip form
Taktic in strip form is more effective and easier to apply in beehives. Beekeepers often place Taktic bands in the hive between the parent frames. It is distributed throughout honey bee colonies by the bees rubbing against the bands. Ticks on bees come into contact with pesticides and fall off.
Taktic vs Other Varroa Mite Treatments
Taktic is highly efficient and fades quickly. Many other miticides are ineffective or leave residues in honey and other bee products. This is the primary reason why beekeepers continue to use Taktic bee medication for Varroa mites.
When alternative honey bee colony mite control procedures fail, beekeepers frequently opt for Taktic bee treatment for Varroa mites. Re-queening colonies, the use of formic acid, and the application of fluvalinate are examples of such methods and products. Powdered sugar also helps control honey bees if you combine it with a Taktic bee treatment.
>>> Read more:
A word of warning.
Taktic has the ability to cause harm to humans. It can induce toxicity if used incorrectly. Amitraz may also cause cancer in humans if consumed in large quantities. Taktic handling necessitates beekeepers to wear gloves and protect their faces, eyes, and lungs. You should store the Taktic container, open or unopened, properly and out of the reach of small children. You should also store them separately from any other farm chemicals you may have.
In the event of Taktic poisoning, symptoms may include nausea, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and vomiting. Treatment for such a case is frequently supportive and is best performed in a medical facility. The chemical has no specific antidote. To avoid all of this, Taktic merchants place clear and prominent warning labels on their containers.
This bee colony mite control solution is both effective and fast. Taktic bee treatment for Varroa mites is especially ideal for use in large and active apiaries because it does not leave harmful residues in honey and other honey bee products.