Best Beekeeping Apps For Android and iOS 2021

For ages, the skill of beekeeping has been constantly changing. In recent years, we have begun to witness some new advances as a result of the usage of modern technology. The thought of employing applications to collect and track everything that happens in your apiary. Taking pictures, making reminders, and sharing bee data brings up a whole new world of possibilities.

This technology can assist you in keeping your hives healthy, active, and optimized so that your bees are at their happiest and most productive. Take a look at our selection of recommended best beekeeping apps for Android and iOS you should try below.


Hive Tracks – Apiary Management Software

Hive Tracks helps you maximize and manage your beekeeping data. Beginning as a web-based application, the creators of Hive Tracks & Appiarium have expanded its availability to both iOS and Android smartphone. As a result, a premium beekeeping app is now available everywhere you go. There are some benefits:

  • The software allows you to record vital data from your bee colonies and hives.
  • This also enables you to keep a close eye on your daily or weekly inspections and apiary workflow.
  • Additional features in the app allow you to schedule reminders so you never miss an essential inspection.
  • You may explore forage maps and easily share your data. You also don’t require much storage on your phone, as the size is 1.8 MB for Android and 31.4 MB for iOS.

Hive Tracks is free to download, but you must purchase a monthly subscription to enjoy the above-mentioned features. The minimum is $5 for up to 10 hives, $10 for up to 20 hives, and $20 a month for up to 100 hives. Commercial plans are now available, with choices for up to 8000 hives.


BeePlus Beekeeping Manager – Hive Tool

The Bee Plus Beekeeping Manager app is another great tool for managing your hives on a daily basis. Inspections, honey collecting, and data collection on your bees are all simple and manageable from a single location. You may export all the data and open it on a spreadsheet on your computer or laptop using the export feature.

The photo features are a great way to create a visual timeline of your bees. The program allows you to enter as much data as you want; the more data you enter, the better you will comprehend the entire process of beekeeping.

This app, however, is only available on iOS. It costs $3.99 to download and takes up only 19.1 MB of storage space on your smartphone. There are no subscriptions or in-app purchases, so there will be no additional charges down the line. It is only a one time fee for a basic and functional beekeeping app suitable for both beginners and pros.

Apiary Book

The app’s goal is to teach today’s youth about nature and the value of bees in our environment. It also provides students with a wealth of information on the advantages of beekeeping.

The Apiary Book app is jam-packed with features to help you stay on top of your beekeeping responsibilities. You may keep records and monitor the health of your hives. You may also explicitly designate several apiaries and utilize the to-do list to include all the work that needs to be done in the coming days/weeks/months. The excellent timeline function allows you to easily identify where you are and what has to be done in terms of honey harvesting.

The Apiary Book app is presently available for free on Android and takes up only 7.1 MB of storage space on your device.


American Bee Journal

The American Bee Journal app is a little different in that it focuses on knowledge. It goes over all the do and do not of beekeeping.

The app is jam-packed with information, including how-to articles, a question and answer area from users just like you. It includes a calendar of forthcoming beekeeping events and seminars for people interested in learning more and meeting other beekeepers.

The app is free to download, and a subscription option is available to receive future issues. Overall, it is a great tool for anyone looking for rapid access to a plethora of beekeeping knowledge.

Bee Appy

Bee Appy is a straightforward and user-friendly beekeeping app. It allows you to track hive data and monitor the general health of your bee colonies. This beehive software provides newbies with everything they need to stay organized and keep their bees happy. These benefits include the ability to log every inspection and run reports to obtain an overall picture of your hives.

You also have a GPS location option to map your apiary, as well as the ability to photograph your hives and visualize their growth and health over time.

The Bee Appy – Hive Management software is free to download and offers several purchasing options. Your monthly fee is determined by the number of hives you work with; it is free for one or two hives, $6 for up to 10 hives, and roughly $12 for up to 20 hives.

Beekeeping Apps

When purchasing a beekeeping app, look for the following features

Most apps nowadays offer all the tools required to track and maintain your colonies. These apps are simple to use, and all you have to do is enter data as you go. Some applications do provide more complex levels of reporting, but this is usually reserved for professionals or corporations who run large-scale apiaries.

We have compiled a comprehensive list of features that should be included in your app:

  • Taking notes for rapid and accurate inspections
  • Reminder function for forthcoming essential tasks
  • Graphs provide visual reporting for in-depth analysis.
  • Camera-enabled to upload images and track the progress of your hives over time.
  • Capability to share information with others for discussion or advice.


True, the bulk of the apps have comparable capabilities, but some are created much better than others, with user-friendly layouts. Be sure to bear this in mind because there is nothing more frustrating than a complicated layout or menu.

The most important thing to remember is that using these applications will help you become a better beekeeper. A beehive app will assist both novice and expert beekeepers, as well as professionals.

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