Do Skunks Eat Bees? How To Protect Bees?

Beekeeping is practiced as both a pastime and a business all over the world. Bees and honey benefit humans in a variety of ways, including nutrition, pollination, and medicine. However, the diminishing bee population threatens agricultural and human well-being. As a result, bee protection is a key problem. Skunks are one of the most dangerous predators. So, do skunks eat bees? In this article, we will talk about how to protect bees from skunks.

What is Skunks?

Skunks are classified into four species. The most frequent ones are the stripped skunk, hooded skunk, spotted skunk, and hog nosed skunk. They are fur-lined to keep the cold at bay. They have a black and white color scheme. An adult skunk is around 2 feet tall and has a tail that measures 7-10 inches in length. They weigh between 3 and 12 pounds. They have distinct adaptive characteristics, such as shyness and secrecy. Skunks do not hibernate, yet they are active at night.

Skunks mate in their dens throughout the winter. After two months of gestation, the female skunk gives birth to 4-6 offspring. Young skunks usually stay with their mothers to nurse and be fed until fall or a year. Striped skunks achieve sexual maturity at the age of twelve months and can live for up to three years. They can survive for up to ten years in captivity.

Do Skunks Eat Bees

What do Skunks eat?

Skunks are omnivorous animals that eat both plant and animal matter. Worms, fruits, and insects such as the Japanese beetle, tobacco worms, potato bugs, small reptiles and rodents are their main sources of food. They frequently dig cone-shaped holes in lawns in search of food, overturn large sections of insect-rich turf, and dine on small mammals, ground nesting birds, and eggs.

Do Skunks eat bees?

Skunks do, in fact, devour bees. They are incredibly cunning in how they lure the bees to leave their hives. They employ a scratching technique to get access to the beehive. When the bees investigate the scratch, they come out of the beehive and become easy prey for the skunks. Skunks eat insects; they chew bees, remove the juices from their bodies, and then spit out the remaining solid pieces. They also do significant damage to the beehive.

Protecting beehives from Skunks.

To cope with skunks, beekeepers might employ a variety of tactics. It is recommended that each issue be assessed independently in order to choose the appropriate course of action for the situation.

  • Make use of lighting and sounds

Skunks prefer the dark, which is why they are more active at night and less so during the day. Skunks do not have exceptional eyesight. They will be able to view the two glowing LED lights, which they will compare to predator eyes. Because the lights are static, they will most likely abandon the area. A radio is used to generate the desired sounds. However, you should avoid using any type of lighting, such as white light, because it has a bad impact on honey bee behavior and cycles.

  • Make use of traps

Skunks can be caught using live or foot-hold traps. The traps are protected by a plastic cover. You can also utilize wooden box traps, which function in the same way. The majority of the traps are put near the den site over multiple nights to guarantee that all skunks are caught. Canned cat food, peanut butter, chicken, or fish scraps make excellent skunk bait.

Do Skunks Eat Bees

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  • Maintain a clean environment.

Skunks are attracted to garbage, food leftovers, and kitchen trash. To address this issue, safe waste management is implemented. Beside that It is also critical to eliminate rodents in order to reduce this attraction. Skunks can find cover in heaps of wood, fence posts, and scrap metals, which may encourage them to stay and reproduce in the region. One of the most important tasks in preventing skunks is to clean up after them.

  • Raise the hive.

Set hives at least 18 inches, or 3 feet, above the ground. This prevents skunks from entering the building. When a skunk stands on its hind legs, its delicate underbelly is exposed to stings, and it can soon get disheartened.

  • Using deflections

Although striped skunks do not generally climb, an aluminum guard is installed around the bottoms of hives to prevent the skunk from ascending.

  • Nitrogen fertilizer

Spread a heavy nitrogenous fertilizer on the ground, causing a burning sensation or effect on the skunk’s feet and susceptible underbelly.

  • Plywood with nails

Draw a bunch of nails through a two-foot-square plank of plywood and place it in front of the hive with the nail points pointing up. This is a skunk snare. Just remember to keep the plank in mind when you’re stomping around the hive.

DIY Skunks trap

  • Boil the peppers, onion, and jalapeno in water for 5-7 minutes, then set aside to cool.
  • Predator or pet urine.
  • Fill buckets with ammonia-soaked rags and place them around the perimeter of your yard.

If you have planted crops on the side, such as maize or millet, these will keep skunks out of reach as they get bigger. Skunks like shorter plants, so anything that is inaccessible will keep them away.

To prevent attracting the attention of invaders such as skunks, keep trash in hidden areas. Avoid leaving them out in the open. You should also use tight and animal proof covers to prevent rodents and skunks out.


Skunks and other predators are always a danger to bees and their hives. To avoid losses, protection against these predators must be prioritized from the start. Understanding habits and needs of skunks can prevent destruction of beehives and other unpleasant encounters. It can also help to formulate customized strategies to deal with skunks.

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